Saturday, 4 May 2013

Dead Men's Spex at Hemsby

Hi there

Hooray! Spring has arrived and with it the start of the show season. Deadmen's Spex is off to Hemsby Rock N Roll weekend on Friday 10th May to Sunday 12th May. I've dusted Deadman down ready for his first show of 2013. This is our seventh year at Hemsby and we are looking forward to seeing our customers and friends. 
All the stock is ready, Deadman has been busy in his workshop preparing a whole selection of great new frames for both ladies and men to complement our usual stock. My favourite has to be a beautiful aluminium Tura frame. 
Some of our new men's frames

Tura fame; a glamorous addition to any vintage gal's wardrobe!

See you next weekend
Mr and Mrs Deadman 


  1. Hope you have a fabulous time!

  2. Hi Lucy, I'm sure we will. When do we see you next? Heydon?
