Monday, 18 March 2013

Red Nose Day

Hi There

It was Red Nose Day on Friday and DeadMan Junior went to school in his pyjamas (not by accident- I know we are slow starters our family, but it was planned.) He couldn't wear his red nose as it wouldn't stay on so Deadman had to model it. Apparently there were quite a few onesies at the school, but due to our fashion sense (not to mention our proportions) we are a onesie free zone in this house.

We have a joke for you from Comic Relief

What do you call a dinosaur who wears glasses? T -Spex.

T Spex one of the three red noses
Talking of fashion sense I have been following in Arkwright's lead and donning a very fetching little paper bag brown number and assisting Deadman in the workshop buffing up frames on his polishing mop. The Deadman was impressed, which is no mean feat, he will, no doubt be encouraging me back in there to do some more, especially as the weather's getting a bit warmer.

Arkwright from Open All Hours
See you next week

Mrs Deadman

Monday, 11 March 2013

Dreaming of glasses from Amsterdam...

Hi There
Brr! Well that was a chilly Mothers' Day but I was lucky enough to be showered with gifts and cards by Deadman junior, he is a generous and enthusiatic giver. We've had snow overnight and now it's white out; and I thought Spring was on its way. This week 7th to14th March is Norwich Fashion Week and my friend and I went to have a look at the vintage fashion fair in the cloisters at Norwich Cathedral. It is a very beautiful setting but open to the elements and I felt for the stall holders who had snowflakes drifting round them through the open columns, oh don't we just love our unpredictable weather?
Vintage fair in Norwich Cathedral cloisters
With such wintry conditions outside we have been planning our summer holiday, we have settled upon a trip to Amsterdam; the Brilmuseum (glasses museum for the linguists amongst us) was a decider for Deadman. The junior and I are looking forward to staying on a boat. We've got a while to wait, but it's nice to dream on! 

Brilmuseum, Amsterdam

Mrs Deadman

Monday, 4 March 2013

Testing Times at Deadman Towers;time for new glasses

Hello all

Deadman followed his own advice and had a sight test last Monday. The results were mixed; his sight is deteriorating, however, he is delighted to report that he doesn't need a reading prescription so he's saved from the varifocals for another year, not bad for a man of his age. The optician says he has excellent accommodation, he must've seen Deadman Towers. Deadman's now browsing his collection for a new pair and meanwhile I found an optician's trial frame in his drawers, he keeps them full of interesting stuff.
optician's trial frame
Also beating a path to the optometrist recently was journalist Sarah Vine; Beauty Editor for The Times. In her article Specs Appeal dated 28th February she discusses reaching a milestone in life; that of needing to wear reading glasses. (I reached it at forty two and have been reminded of it regularly ever since by Deadman.) She kindly recommends Dead Men's Spex as a good place to find a cool pair.
Tortoisehell cat's eye reading frames
In the meantime, we are waiting with bated breath to see which new pair Deadman chooses; I will keep you updated when he has decided!

TTFN Mrs Deadman