Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Time for some style!

Hi there,
It was London fashion week last week and I was excited to see that The Times had some fabulous sunglasses on their front page by Brazilian designer Mariana Jungmann.

cool spex!

They would cause a stir on the school run! I love the roses and the detailing. Apparently she's really inspired by lace. Not sure about the patterns on the forehead though...

Talking of style, we are hoping to meet up with our friend Bunny Hooper, the epitome of elegance  at the North  Norfolk Railway 1940's weekend.

But not as cool as Bunny!

We will be selling our glasses and have a good range of 1940's spectacles including some hard to come by larger frames for those of us fortunate enough not to have to subsist on war time fare of bread and hope. We look forward to seeing you there and hope for some fun in the sun.
Mrs Deadman

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