Friday, 5 October 2012

Many happy returns... toot,toot!

Hi Folks,

Mrs Deadman here.

I have taken up the baton of blog writer for Dead Men's Spex. I was alarmed to see that a year had whizzed past since our last post. I would like to update everyone as to the chicken status at Dead Men’s Towers. The Deadman won! He joined forces with our neighbour and now we have 3 chickens on the allotment. Initially they were very good at dutifully producing eggs but now the supply has dwindled to a big fat zero! Apparently, this is down to them moulting, We could make a feather bed, or at least, a pillow, from the feathers wafting around their pen. That would be very “make do and mend”! I have had to resort to buying eggs from the neighbour who initially supplied the birds, much to his delight.

Turning now to glasses, we have had a busy summer and three good shows; Twinwoods, Little Vintage Lover Fair  and Sheringham 1940’sweekend.  It was lovely to see so many of you again and to enjoy a rain free Twinwoods, something of a luxurious novelty.

 The man himself ready to greet you at Twinwoods!

And again, modelling a customer's Bugatti racing hat with 
integral goggles.
Do you not think that he bears a remarkable resemblance to 
Mr Toad?

As autumn is here, Deadman is now settling back into his rightful place in the workshop. We have just received a delivery of gents’ frames, so look out for them on our website.

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